George Egg

Honest, warm & trustworthy delivery.

Comedian, Chef, Presenter and Broadcaster.

He’s a weekly voice on Craig Charles' BBC 6 Music Show, was previously a regular cohost on BBC Radio 4’s Loose Ends with Clive Anderson and he’s guest presented an episode of BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme. He's the producer and host of his own ongoing internet food show Snack Hacker which boasts of 103,000 followers enjoying tens of millions of views online and winning George Content Creator of the Year at the 2024 Fortnum and Masons Food and Drink Awards, and he presents the hugely popular food podcast Stuffed! with fellow chef Martyn Odell.

He has also created live solo shows Anarchist Cook, DIY Chef, Movable Feast and Set Menu, selling out runs at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and touring internationally.